9 items you need in your home for your pet emergency kit
Household items you need to have at home in case of an emergency with your pet
I’ve posted before about how important it is to keep a pet emergency kit ready in case of a catastrophic event or a natural disaster. Growing up in California, I was never too far from the cycle of earthquakes, floods, fires and mudslides – and sometimes, like with the Northridge earthquake, I was a little too close. Those are all big disasters, crises that have life-changing outcomes and affect lots of people.

But disasters come in many sizes and most of them are relatively small and happen at home. We have to be prepared for those too so I set aside some space in my bathroom for a veterinary first-aid kit in case one of my dogs gets injured playing or by simply being a dog.
All of these products are easy to obtain but the point of an emergency is that you want to have what you need when you need it. As fast as Amazon Prime or a trip to the local store can be, ‘soon’ is not now.
Recently (and suddenly), Rossi got a hot spot from itching due to his allergies and I was so glad I could treat him right away.
Here’s a list of what I keep in stock for those emergencies in my pet emergency kit. I keep all of this in a bag together so it’s ready for use and also – most importantly – so I know where it is.
- Vet wrap – This is that stretchy wrap sold as ‘Vet Wrap’ for animals and ‘Koban’ if you’re looking in the human section. A few rolls of this (in comes in many colors) and you can wrap up an injury – it works great over gauze or a non-stick pad for cuts – in no time. Vet wrap is self-adhering (no tape or pins or clips) and easy to cut with scissors.
- A cone – When our dogs get hurt, one of the best thing we can do is prevent them from licking the wound and irritating it. We need to let it heal. An inflatable cone is soft (on owners’ legs) and easy to use but many dogs (like mine) can find a way to reach around it. Trial-and-(messy)-error has led me to use this one, which is on the shorter side and has clear panels for better visibility.

- Hot spot spray (Amazon link) – I have a clear favorite here. Skout’s Honor’s Hot Spot Probiotic Hydrogel Spray is a staple in my house. Use code ELLIS20 for a 20% discount on their site. I may have even used it on my own leg this week. The hot spot spray is safe on dogs and cats (and humans too) it’s has aloe and algin to help heal and protect any burns, hot spots, cuts and skin irritations. Highly suggest having this in your cupboard too.

- Neosporin – Another all-purpose wound treatment. Protects cuts and abrasions and helps the healing process.
- Hydrogen peroxide – I keep this on hand in case my dog eats something he shouldn’t have eaten and time is of the essence. Although you should always check with poison control if it’s something really dangerous, hydrogen peroxide will make your dog throw up to get it out of his system.
- Slippery elm, Goat’s milk or Firm Up – A bad upset tummy is no joke. When your dog has diarrhea, you want a quick fix. My go-to is slippery elm followed by Firm Up. (Give 1/4 of slippery elm for every 10lbs of body weight.) Don’t have these? Pumpkin is great too. It’s also a good idea to have these on hand when you give your dog a new treat for the first time. I’ve made a habit of using it when the kids try a new product just in case of upset and the results have been fantastic.For the following days after an upset tummy I continue either the slippery elm or Goats milk from Honest Kitchen to continue gut support.

- Benadryl – From bee stings to allergic reactions, Benadryl is a must-have. The general rule of thumb is 10mg per lb.
- Paw balm or coconut oil (Amazon link) – Use code ELLIS10 for a discount on their site.Treatment for worn foot pads. Paws get injured from playing and running, from too-hot or too-cold days and that’s where this comes in. Coconut oil can do the trick short term but it’s greasy and can be messy so not my first choice. Maggie has sensitive paw pads so paw balm means we can have a great game of fetch without worrying about sore feet.

- Malacetic Wipes. These are a must have for me and out vet recommends them too. I use these wipes to clean hot spots, dirty dog bum’s, around sanitary areas, ears, etc. They do a great job keeping dogs (and puppies) clean.
We hope this list helps you prepare for any dog or cat emergencies at home. Hopefully, you’ll never need them but it’s always good to be prepared.