How to teach your dog to jump through a hoop!
Whether you’re a kid or an adult, teaching your dog to jump through a hula hoop can be a lot of fun! Note if you have a young puppy or senior dog with arthritis, I suggest skipping this as it involves jumping, but there are lots of other tricks you can focus on – take a look here.

All our training is done through positive reinforcement, so get your tasty treats ready. Need treats? Take a look at the ones I recommend and use here.
How to teach your dog to jump through a hoop
- Start by having your hula hoop on the ground and get your dog comfortable walking around and over it. Reward your pup adn tell him how great he’s doing!
- Next, hold the hula hoop with one hand and with the bottom of the hoop touching the ground, with the other hand lure your dog through the hoop with a treat. If you struggle doing this, try tossing a treat and seeee if your dog follows it through – if you go back to luring.
- As your dog beegins to understand this game slowly raisee the hoop higher.
- Be sure not to go too high and end your training session on a good note.

We hope you both have a lot of fun learning this new trick together!